The Pittsburgh Kid

“When he let his guard down, that’s when I got the shot”

These Images are from a re-branding project I did for Paul Spadafora.  a.k.a.  The Pittsburgh Kid.  The pre-production on a shoot like this is key.  Many hours are dedicated to the details of the shoot way before I snap the first frame.  On the day of the shoot and all is in place, this when the magic happens.  As much as I try to stick to my previous ideas, I tend to use them more as a guide and a checklist.  This gives me the flexibility to let the serendipity of the moment take hold.  By working through the creative process, new ideas emerge, new angles are are coming into focus for me.  This is key.  These are the images that I came to get…  The ones you won’t find in a layout.



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